Notre vison
Notre vision ? Réduire de moitié la quantité de déchets d’électroménager que nous produisons chaque année. Avec FCI ENERGIE, ne jetez plus votre gros électroménager : réparez-le ! Nos réparateurs d’électroménager à domicile sont présents en Île-de-France, et dans toute la région parisienne et bientôt dans toute la France !
Our Solutions
Here are some of the biggest milestones we've crossed along the way.
We have more than 50 offices worldwide, providing instruction in 27 languages.
May 2020
By May 2020 we landed our 100th client engagement. Of course it’s about quality over quantity, but we’re proud of the many lasting client relationships we’ve created.
Sep 2014
In the early years of MLab, we were still figuring out what we wanted to be when we grew up. We hadn’t yet narrowed our focus to service private equity-backed companies – but the fall of 2014 marked a turning point.
Sat 1997
By Sat 1997, we outgrew the corner office we had been borrowing from one of our investors.
May 1990
…and not just any client. The U.S. LT hired MLab in May 1990 – entrusting us to develop investment models that would enable predictions as to which research grants would yield the most value. As they say in the LT, anchors aweigh!
Dec 1988
Like the musical instrument, MLab’s business plan centered around the ability to expand and contract. We recognized the need for a flexible financial consulting model, and in November 1988, we opened our doors.
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